Track Your Doctor

Audit and Design of
Website & Management

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Track Your Doctor is a web platform that provides ratings and reviews of U.S health providers, so that the patients make informed decisions about their healthcare. Also, through the TYD platform doctors and medical institutions can better comprehend their reputation information and seek to improve their services to patients.
The client initially approached me with the request to audit and redesign the web site for Track Your Doctor.
After these tasks were completed, the client decided to extend the project adding management portals for all of the interacting parties.

The Challenge

Increase conversion rate.
Design a Physician Dashboard that is easy to operate.


Competitive Research & Market
Analysis, Audit, Design System,
Wireframes, Prototype.




4 Months


Chicago, US

Market Analysis

I began my discovery process by analyzing some of the existing research with regards to online doctor reviewing.

It was found that over a third of patients say their doctors’ online reputation is very important, which is higher than any other industry. It is reported that recency and quantity of reviews are important in this respect.

Competitor Research

To better understand trends and best practices of doctor review sites, I conducted some competitor research. I focused on four main competitors of Track Your Doctor: Yelp, Vitals, healthgrades.



After I concluded the market and competitors’ research, I did a full analysis of the website, and showed the client the main issues with the website and ways to improve these issues.


My aim was to keep the UI elements clean and neutral, so that the design prioritizes the display of the content.

Website Prototype

On this link below, you can check the live prototype

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